Social networks between users personal clouds, where your data stays in your cloud.
’Micro networks’ - How the social networks could work more directly between users own clouds instead of centralised platform. Here is some related reference idea
Comments: 1
14 Feb, '21
Matt EvaI think this is a really intriguing and far-reaching idea. I've personally thought about how well our system could work for a much more sophisticated, accurate, and secure dating app, which is along these lines. But the opportunity for these "microcosm" networks is endless. Think about web applications like Quora and Fullstack - excellent resources and really excellent ideas, but the density and accessibility of quality information is low, in part due to the breadth of subject matter. Niche social networks that center around particular subjects/interests/communities could be far more interesting and beneficial. Reddit already achieves something similar to this, as do sites like Good Reads, but it doesn't have the data storing/sharing ability/security of our ecosystem, and is similarly diluted and chaotic. All in all a concept with tremendous potential that seems well worth investigating.